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Selected publications:
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and BUTTERFIELD, R., (1975), Boundary
Element Method in Geomechanics, Chapter 16 in Finite Element in Geomechanics, Ed. G. Gudehus, John Wiley. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and BUTTERFIELD, R., (1981), Boundary
Element Methods in Engineering Science, McGraw-Hill, London, Russian Translation, Mir Publishers, 1984, Moscow; Chinese Translation, National Defense Press, 1988, Beijing. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., (1994), The Boundary Element Methods in
Engineering, McGraw-Hill, London. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and BUTTERFIELD, R., Editors, (1979),
Developments in Boundary Element Methods I, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and SHAW, R.P., Editors,
(1982, Developments in Boundary Element Methods II, Elsevier Applied Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and MUKHERJEE, S., Editors, (1984),
Developments in Boundary Element Methods III, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and WATSON, J.O., Editors, (1986),
Developments in Boundary Element Methods IV, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and WILSON, R.B., Editors, (1989),
Industrial Applications of BEM, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., CATHIE, D.N., and DAVIES, T.G., (1979),
Two and three dimensional problems of elastoplasticity, in Developments in Boundary Element Methods I, Banerjee, P.K. and Butterfield, R. (Eds., Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, U.K. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and CATHIE, D.N., (1980), A direct
formulation and numerical implementation of the boundary element method for two-dimensional problems of
elastoplasticity, Int. Jour. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 22, pp. 233-245. |
 | CATHIE, D.N., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1980), Boundary
element methods in axisymmetric plasticity, Innovative Numerical Analysis for the Applied Engineering Sciences,
Shaw, R.P., et al (Eds.), University of Virginia Press. |
 | CATHIE, D.N., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1982), Boundary
element methods for plasticityandcreep including a viscoplastic approach, Res. Mechanica, Vol. 4, pp. 3-22. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and DAVIES, T.G., (1984), Advanced
implementation of boundary element methods for three-dimensional problems of elastoplasticity and
viscoplasticity, Chapter I in Developments in Boundary Element Methods III, Applied Science Publishers, London. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and WILSON, R.B., (1984), Fundamental
solutions of the elasticity equations for distributed hot spots and cavities, Unpublished work. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and RAVEENDRA, S.T., (1986), Advanced
boundary element method for two and three-dimensional
problems of elastoplasticity, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 23, pp. 985-1002. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., and AHMAD, S., (1985), Advanced three-
dimensional dynamic analysis by boundary element methods, AMD-Vol. 72, pp. 65-82, ASME, New York. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., AHMAD, S., and MANOLIS, G.D., (1986),
Transient elastodynamic analysis of three-dimensional problems by boundary element method, Earthquake Engng. and Struct. Dynamics, Vol. 14, pp. 933-949. |
 | AHMAD, S., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1988),
Time domain transient elastodynamic analysis of 3-D solids by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 1709-1728. |
 | AHMAD, S., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1986), Free-Vibration
analysis by BEM using particular integrals, Journal of
Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 7, pp. 682-695. |
 | MANOLIS, G.D., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1986), Conforming and
non-conforming boundary elements in 3-D elastostatics, Int. Jour. Numer.
Methods in Engng., Vol. 23, pp. 1885-1904. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., WILSON, R.B., and MILLER, N., (1985), Development of
a large BEM system for three-dimensional inelastic analysis,
AMD-Vol. 72, Edited by Cruse, T.A., Pifko, A., and Armen,
H., pp. 1-20. |
 | WILSON, R.B., SNOW, D.W., and BANERJEE, P.K., (1985), Stress analysis
of gas turbine engine structures using boundary element
methods, AMD-Vol. 72, pp. 45-64. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., WILSON, R.B., and MILLER, N., (1988), Advanced elastic and
inelastic stress analysis of gas turbine engine structures by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer.
Methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 393-411. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., WILSON, R.B., and RAVEENDRA, S.T., (1987), Advanced
applications of BEM to three-dimensional problems of monotonic and cyclic plasticity, Int.
Jour. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 29, No.9, pp. 637-653. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K. and RAVEENDRA, S.T., (1987), A new boundary element formulation for
two-dimensional elastoplastic
analysis, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 113, No.2, pp. 252-265. |
 | HENRY, D., PAPE, D. and BANERJEE, P.K., (1987), New axisymmetric BEM formulation for
body forces using particular integrals, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 113,
No.5, pp. 671-688. |
 | HENRY, D. and BANERJEE, P.K., (1987), A thermoplastic BEM analysis for substructured
axisymmetric bodies, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 12, pp.
1880-1900. |
 | HENRY, D. and BANERJEE, P.K., (1988), A variable stiffness type boundary element
formulation for axisymmetric elastoplastic media, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng.,
Vol. 26, pp. 1005-1027. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., AHMAD, S. and CHEN, K. (1987), Advanced application of BEM to wave
barriers in multi-layered three-dimensional soil media, Earthquake Engng. and Struct.
Dynamics, Vol. 16, pp. 1041-1060. |
 | DARGUSH, G. F. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), Advanced BEM for steady state heat tranfer
analysis, Int. Jour. Num. Methods in Engng., Vol. 28, pp. 2113-2142. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., HENRY, D. and RAVEENDRA, S.T. (1989), Advanced BEM for inelastic
analysis of solids, Int. Jour. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 31, pp. 309-322. |
 | DARGUSH, G. F. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), Development of BEM for transient
poroelasticity, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 28, pp. 2423-2449. |
 | DARGUSH, G. F. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), The boundary element method for plane problems
of thermoelasticity, Int. Jour. Solids and Structures, Vol. 25, pp. 999-1021. |
 | DARGUSH, G. F. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), BEM analysis for three-dimensional problems of
transient thermoelasticity, Int. Jour. Solids and Structures, Vol. 26, pp. 199-216. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., AHMAD, S. and WANG, H.C. (1988), A new BEM for the acoustic
eigenfrequency analysis, Int. Jour. Numer. methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 1299-1309. |
 | WANG, H.C. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1987), Axisymmetric free-vibration analysis by BEM,
Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 55, pp. 437-444. |
 | WANG, H.C. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Multi-domain Generalized axisymmetric analysis by
BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 29, pp. 985-1001. |
 | HENRY, D. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1988), A new boundary element formulation for two and
three-dimensional problems of thermoelasticity using particular integrals, Int. Jour.
Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 2061-2077. |
 | HENRY, D. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1988), A new boundary element formulation for two and
three-dimensional problems of elastoplasticity using particular integrals, Int. Jour.
Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 2079-2096. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K. and YOUSIF, N.B. (1986) A plasticity model for the anisotropically
consolidated clay, Int. Jour. Numer. Analyt. Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 10, pp.
521-541. |
 | AHMAD, S. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1988), Multi-domain BEM for two-dimensional problems of
elastodynamics, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 26, pp. 891-911. |
 | WANG, H.C. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), General axisymmetric periodic dynamic stress
analysis by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 28, pp. 2065-2083. |
 | WANG, H.C. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Axisymmetric transient elastodynamics analysis by
BEM, Int. Jour. Solids and Structures, Vol. 26, pp. 401-415. |
 | PAPE, D. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1987), Treatment of body forces in 2D elastostatic BEM
using particular integrals, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 54, pp. 871-886. |
 | WILSON, R.B., MILLER, N.M. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Calculations of natural
frequencies and mode shapes for three-dimensional structures by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer.
Methods in Engng., Vol. 29, pp. 1737-1757. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K., STIPHO, A.S. and YOUSIF, N.B. (1984), A theoretical and experimental
investigation of the behavior of anisotropically consolidated clay, Chapter I in
Development in Soil Mech. Foundation Engrg., Vol. 2, Elsevier Applied Science, London. |
 | DARGUSH, G and BANERJEE, P.K. (1988), Development of an Integrated BEM for Hot Fluid
Structure Interaction, Earth to Orbit Propulsion Systems, NASA Conf. Publication No. 3012. |
 | DARGUSH, G. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), Developments of an integrated BEM for hot fluid
structure interaction, Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress, ASME, Toronto, Canada, also
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Trans ASME, Vol.112, pp. 243-250, April
1990. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K. and HENRY, D. (1991), Analysis of three-dimensional solids with holes by
BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng, Vol. 31, pp. 369-384. |
 | BANERJEE, P.K. and HENRY, D. (1992), Analysis of 3-dimensional solids with inclusions by
BEM, Int, Jour. Solids Struct., Vol.29. pp. 2423-2440. |
 | WANG, H.C. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Generalized axisymmetric free-vibration analysis
by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 29, pp. 985-1001. |
 | DARGUSH, G. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1991), Application of the Boundary Element Method to
Transient Heat Conduction, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 31. |
 | ISRAIL, A.S.M. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Advanced development of time-domain BEM for
two-dimensional scalar wave propagation, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 29, pp.
1003-1020. |
 | ISRAIL, A.S.M. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Effects of geometrical and material properties
on the vertical vibration of 3-D foundations by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Analyt. Methods in
Geomechanics, Vol. 14, pp. 49-70. |
 | DARGUSH, G. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1989), Advanced Development of BEM for Steady
Incompressible Thermoviscous Flow, Chapter III in Development in BEM, Vol. 5, Elsevier
Applied Science Publishers. |
 | AHMAD, S. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1990), Inelastic transient dynamic analysis of
three-dimensional problems by BEM, Int. Jour. Numer. Methods in Engng., Vol. 29, pp.
371-390. |
 | ISRAIL, A.S.M. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1992), Advanced development of boundary element
method for two-dimensional dynamic elasto-plasticity, Int. Jour. Solids and Structures,
Vol. 29, No. 11, pp. 1433-1451. |
 | ISRAIL, A.S.M. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1991). Interior stress calculations in 2-D
time-domain transient BEM analysis, Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 28, No. 7,
Feb 1991. |
 | DEB, A., HENRY, D. and WILSON, R.B. (1990). An alternate BEM for anisotropic problems of
thermoelasticity, Int. Jour. Solids Structures, Vol.27, No.13, pp. 1721-1738. |
 | ISRAIL, A.S.M. and DARGUSH, G.F. (1991). Dynamic fracture mechanics studies by
time-domain BEM, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 39, pp. 315-328. |
 | DEB, A., Advanced Development of BEM for Linear and Nonlinear Analyses of Anisotropic
Solids, Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA. |
 | CHOPRA, M. B. (1992). Development of numerical solutions (FEM and BEM) to problems with
material and geometric nonlinearities, Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at
Buffalo, Buffalo, New York. |
 | RAVEENDRA, S.T. and CRUSE, T. A. (1989), BEM analysis of problems of fracture mechanics,
Developments in Boundary Element Methods-5 (Eds. P. K. Banerjee and R. B. Wilson),
Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 187-204. |
 | RAVEENDRA, S.T. and BANERJEE, P.K. (1991), Computation of stress intensity factors for
interfacial cracks, Engrg. Frac. Mech., Vol. 40, No.1, pp. 89-103. |
 | RAVEENDRA, S.T. and BANERJEE, P.K., (1991), Analysis of rotating solids with cracks by
the boundary element method, Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol.28, No.9, pp 1155-1170. |
 | DEB, A. and BANERJEE, P.K., (1989), A comparison between Isoparametric and Lagrangian
elements in 2D BEM, Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 28, pp.
1539-1555. |
 | WANG, C. (1995). Advanced development of boundary element methods in material nonlinear
analysis, Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New
York. |
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